To determine eligibility, you need only fit one of the following categories, but can fit under multiple. Please answer to the best of your knowledge.
Are you First Generation? This means that neither parent (or legal guardian) has received a Bachelor's Degree or 4-year equivalent prior to you turning 18.
Are you Income Eligible? Income Eligibility is based on household size. Do you come from a low income family?
An example of what we mean by Low Income Household is as follows: A household size of 1 that has a yearly income of $50,000 would be ineligible based on Income Eligibility. However, a household size of 6 making $50,000 a year would be eligible, as it would be harder for 6 people to live on just $50,000 a year. (This is only an example and may not reflect the actual amounts that we are given each year to judge eligibility.)
Do you have a Documented Disability? You do not need to tell us what this disability might be. This can be any disability, including but not limited to learning, physical, mental, or temporary as recognized by the Americans with Disabilities Act and/or by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.